Sonny The Roadtrippin' Dog "writes" about his travels around the U.S.A.!

Friday, November 04, 2005

It's Moving Day! It's Moving Day! Hey, Baby, Hey.

Today, my family and I left Utah on our way to moving to South Carolina. I got packed in the backseat with my blanket, my bed, my stuffed dog, and my tennis ball. I got hooked to the seatbelt with a harness, then rode and rode and rode and rode.

Backseat Baggage

I whined a little and slept a lot and finally we got to a motel. The dog-friendly Super 8 hotel in Rawlins, WY charged a $10 pet fee, which seemed pretty cheap to me.

Cheap & Thirsty

I drank water from a plastic cup and sniffed every inch of the room. It was so cool! But, I was worn out so I went to sleep again pretty fast.


I love being a roadtrippin' dog!

Your Best Friend,