Pie Oh My
Today, I was a trouble maker. I couldn't help myself.
All alone in the house, after days of yummy food failed to touch my dog lips, I grew so tired of dog food, that I had to try to get some of those human treats. A pie was on the stove. Mmmmm. Apple pie. I can't normally get up that high - the top of the stove is pretty up there. But today I was so hungry. I stood on the very tips of my toes, swatted with the very tips of my paws, and GOT IT! I swatted the pie right onto the floor!
A little bit of apple and crust got into my fur, but I didn't care too much. Mmmmm Mmmmm it was yummy! If my mom hadn't come home right then, I would have eaten the whole thing.
She did come home, though, so I had to sit in my bed for an hour. Party pooper.
Your best friend,
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